The Most Sold Microgreens: Popular Greens for All

HomeSelling MicrogreensThe Most Sold Microgreens: Popular Greens for All

The most sold microgreens include sunflower, radish, and pea shoots. These varieties are popular due to their unique flavor profiles and high nutritional value. Incorporating these microgreens into dishes adds both visual appeal and a boost of vitamins and antioxidants.

Benefits of Eating Microgreens

Eating microgreens can bring lots of benefits, from their unique flavors to the health-boosting vitamins and minerals they contain. Microgreens are nutrient-dense greens that are harvested when they reach a height of 2 to 4 inches. They have more concentrated amounts of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds than mature greens, making them a nutritious addition to your healthy eating plan.

Microgreens also offer an array of flavors ranging from spicy to sweet and tangy depending on the variety. Microgreens are gaining in popularity due to their flavor and nutrient content. Studies have shown that some types of microgreens may contain higher concentrations of nutrients than their mature counterparts. This makes them a great way to get additional vitamins and minerals into your diet without having to eat large portions or take supplements.

For example, one study found that red cabbage microgreens had up to 40 times more vitamin E than mature red cabbage leaves! Not only are microgreens packed with essential vitamins and minerals but they are also low in calories yet high in fiber which is important for maintaining regularity as well as keeping you feeling full longer after meals.

Additionally, studies suggest that consuming certain types of microgreens may help reduce inflammation in the body – something we all could use right now! Eating microgreens can be a delicious way to boost the nutrition content of your meals while adding variety and flavor too!

The most popular varieties include sunflower shoots, radish sprouts, pea shoots, broccoli sprouts and kale sprouts – each offering its own unique array of nutritional benefits. Whether you like snacking on them straight out of the bag or adding them onto salads or sandwiches for an extra crunchy bite – incorporating these nutrient-rich powerhouses into your diet is sure to make you healthier inside and out!

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Popular Types of Microgreens

Have you ever wondered what types of microgreens are the most popular? Discover the vibrant and flavorful world of microgreens, like a mini-rainbow of nutrition bursting with flavor! Microgreens are tiny versions of vegetables or herbs that pack an intense flavor and nutritional punch. This is why many people prefer them over their larger counterparts.

Here are some of the most popular varieties:

  • Sunflower – Sunflower microgreens have a mild nutty flavor that works well in salads, sandwiches, and wraps. They also contain high levels of Vitamin E and other beneficial nutrients such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, calcium, and B-vitamins.
  • Radish – Radish microgreens have a spicy bite that adds a nice kick to any dish. They are rich in Vitamin C along with fiber and potassium which makes them great for digestion health. Plus they give dishes an extra burst of color!
  • Pea Shoots – Pea shoots taste similar to peas but have more concentrated nutrition due to their size. These little green gems are packed full of antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin which help keep eyes healthy plus they provide protein too!

Microgreen varieties offer so much more than just flavor; they can also be used to enrich soil nutrition by providing essential trace minerals for plants to uptake through their roots. Growing your own microgreens at home is easy and will bring new life into your kitchen routine!

Tips for Growing Microgreens at Home

Growing your own microgreens is a fun and rewarding way to enjoy their unique flavor and nutritional benefits right at home! It’s relatively easy, but it’s important to get the basics right.

The two most important aspects of getting started are watering techniques and soil selection. When it comes to watering, you’ll want to water your microgreens carefully but thoroughly. It’s best to use lukewarm water, as cold water can shock the plants and cause them to become wilted. You should also avoid overwatering, as this can lead to mold or root rot.

Choosing the right soil for your microgreens is key for success. Ideally, you’ll want a light potting soil mixed with compost or worm castings that will provide plenty of nutrients for the plants while still allowing enough drainage that they don’t dry out too quickly. Avoid using garden soil since it has more clay content than potting mix and won’t drain as well.

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Finally, be sure to give your microgreens plenty of light – either direct sunlight or artificial grow lights – in order for them to thrive and develop their full flavor profile and nutritional value! With these tips in mind, you shouldn’t have any problem growing delicious microgreens right at home!

How to Store Microgreens

Storing microgreens correctly can significantly extend their shelf life and help maintain their flavor and nutritional benefits. In fact, studies have shown that properly stored microgreens can last up to two weeks!

To ensure food safety and the longevity of your microgreens, it’s important to store them in a cool, dry place with plenty of air circulation. Refrigeration is ideal since temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit slow down the growth of bacteria. Additionally, you should avoid storing them near ethylene-producing fruits and vegetables as this gas accelerates ripening and decay.

To maximize shelf life, harvest only the amount of microgreens you need for immediate consumption or processing. Be sure to remove any excess soil or water droplets from the leaves before storage as these can cause bacteria growth which could lead to spoilage in a shorter time frame.

When storing harvested greens, use an airtight container lined with damp paper towels or a breathable material such as burlap cloth or cheesecloth to keep them moist without causing mold growth.

It’s also important to inspect your microgreens regularly while they are stored for any signs of spoilage such as wilting leaves or slimy surfaces which indicate bacterial contamination has occurred due to improper storage conditions. If you notice any off-putting odors emanating from your containers, discard immediately as this indicates bacterial overgrowth has occurred rendering the produce unsafe for human consumption.

Finally, remember that proper hygiene is essential when handling all types of produce including microgreens—wash hands thoroughly before harvesting and make sure utensils used during preparation are free from dirt and other contaminants that could potentially spread bacteria onto the greens during storage.

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With these tips in mind, you can enjoy fresh tasting microgreens even after several weeks have passed!

Recipes Featuring Microgreens

For a unique culinary experience, nothing beats incorporating microgreens into your recipes for their distinct taste and nutritional benefits. Sunflower, radish, and pea shoots are some of the most popular microgreens available in the market due to their flavor and health benefits.

Try adding them to salads or other dishes as a garnish for an extra zing of flavor. Microgreens can also be used as substitutes for herbs and spices in many recipes. Mix sunflower sprouts with cucumbers, tomatoes, olives, feta cheese and fresh herbs for a delicious Mediterranean-style salad that’s not only tasty but also packed with vitamins A, C, E and K.

Radish microgreens are great sprinkled on top of tacos or pizza for an extra kick of flavor as well as added nutrition. Pea shoots make an excellent addition to pasta dishes; they add crunchiness to the texture while providing a unique earthy flavor profile.

If you’re looking for something more creative than traditional recipes featuring microgreens, try making pesto out of sunflower sprouts instead of basil leaves. Or blend up a smoothie using pea shoots with banana and almond butter for an energy-packed breakfast full of essential nutrients like iron and zinc. Lastly, you can use radish greens to make flavorful wraps by adding cream cheese or hummus along with other vegetables like carrots and bell peppers.

No matter what type of dish you’re preparing, there’s always room to add some nutritional value by incorporating microgreens into your meals! With just a few ingredients, these flavorful greens can easily transform any ordinary recipe into something special that will tantalize both the taste buds and the eyes!

Kathy Turner
Kathy Turner
Kathy Turner is the founder of, a popular blog dedicated to helping people become master microgreen growers. Kathy is passionate about helping others learn how to grow the healthiest, most nutrient-rich microgreens. She believes that with the right knowledge and resources, anyone can become a successful microgreen grower. Learn more about Kathy by viewing her full Author Profile.

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