How Much Microgreens Are Consumed in the US per Year? Demand Analysis

HomeBenefitsHow Much Microgreens Are Consumed in the US per Year? Demand Analysis

The consumption of microgreens in the United States is on the rise, with an estimated market value of $1.5 billion. As more people recognize the nutritional benefits and culinary versatility of microgreens, their demand continues to grow. These tiny, nutrient-dense greens are being incorporated into various dishes, including salads, sandwiches, and smoothies, making them an increasingly popular choice among health-conscious consumers.

Estimate of Microgreens Consumption in the US

Do you know how many of these nutrient-packed veggies are being eaten in the U.S. each year? With its rising popularity, the market for microgreens is estimated to have a worth of over $1.5B!

In order to determine the amount of microgreens consumed in the US annually, we must look at various studies and research conducted on this topic.

One study found that between 2015 and 2018, sales of organic microgreens increased by an average rate of 12% per year in the US, with total annual sales reaching an estimated $8 million dollars in 2018 alone. This suggests that demand for these nutrient-rich greens has been steadily increasing since 2015, especially as more people become aware of their health benefits and seek sustainable sources of nutrition.

Organic farming practices are also becoming increasingly popular among producers who want to ensure their products are grown sustainably and naturally without any synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Studies show that organic microgreens not only have higher concentrations of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds than conventional produce but also contain fewer harmful chemicals such as heavy metals or pesticide residues. This makes them a healthier option for consumers looking to get the most nutritive value out of their food choices.

The trend towards conscious consumption has led to a surge in microgreen consumption across America over the past few years; it is now estimated that around 8 billion servings are consumed each year throughout the United States! This number is expected to continue growing as more people realize just how nutritious and delicious these tiny greens can be when prepared correctly.

Clearly, Americans’ appetite for microgreens shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon – so go ahead and enjoy all those nutrients while they’re still plentiful!

Factors Contributing to the Increase in Microgreens Consumption

You may have noticed the rise in popularity of microgreens lately. This growth is thanks to a few key factors.

Firstly, their health benefits are undeniable. Microgreens contain high levels of vitamins and minerals, making them an ideal addition to any diet.

Secondly, microgreens offer unique flavor profiles that give dishes a burst of flavor that you can’t get from other ingredients.

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Lastly, more people are turning to plant-based diets as they become increasingly aware of the health benefits associated with them.

All these factors combine to make microgreens an attractive option for food lovers everywhere.

Health Benefits

Microgreens are packed with vitamins and minerals, offering a nutritious boost to any meal that can’t be ignored. Studies have shown that microgreens are much more nutrient-dense than their mature counterparts, providing up to 40 times the amount of essential vitamins and minerals.

Furthermore, many microgreen varieties are organically certified or locally sourced from farms utilizing sustainable growing practices, making them even healthier for consumers. In addition, research suggests that the consumption of microgreens may reduce inflammation in the body and provide protection against certain cancers due to their high levels of antioxidants.

This makes them an ideal food choice for those looking for a healthy boost to their diet. With all these health benefits, it’s no wonder why microgreens consumption is on the rise in the US with an estimated market value of $1.5 billion.

Unique Flavor Profiles

With their unique flavor profiles, microgreens are quickly becoming a popular addition to dishes – but why do so many people love them?

Microgreens offer a wide variety of flavors that can add an interesting spice to any dish. From mild to zesty, sweet to bitter, there is something for everyone. The vast array of spices and flavor combinations available through microgreens allows chefs and home cooks alike to experiment with exciting new taste combinations.

As their popularity continues to grow, more and more chefs are incorporating microgreens into their recipes as they search for the perfect balance of flavor in every dish. With such a wide selection of flavors available, it’s no wonder microgreens consumption is on the rise in the US.

Growing Interest in Plant-Based Diets

It’s clear that microgreens consumption in the US is growing, with an estimated market value of $1.5 billion.

This growth has been driven by a growing interest in plant-based diets.

Consumers are recognizing the importance of plant-based nutrition to their overall health and wellness, as well as its potential for sustainable farming practices.

Plant-based diets have become more popular and accessible due to increased awareness about how they can benefit physical and mental health, the environment, and animal welfare.

More people are embracing veganism or incorporating more plant-based options into their diets than ever before—and microgreens play an important role in this movement.

Microgreens offer a unique flavor profile that can help make vegan meals more flavorful while providing essential nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E, K, iron, magnesium, potassium, and fiber.

In addition to being nutrient-dense, microgreens are easy to grow indoors or outdoors, making them ideal for those seeking fresh produce year-round with minimal environmental impact.

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Impact of Microgreens on the US Economy

You can see the effects of microgreens on the US economy everywhere, with its $1.5 billion market value and ever-growing popularity.

Microgreens are a type of edible leafy green that’s harvested shortly after sprouting and provides an abundant source of nutrients for human consumption.

This trend has been driven by the growing interest in plant-based diets, as well as the desire for organic farming and sustainable agriculture.

The demand for microgreens has skyrocketed over the past decade, resulting in an estimated $1.5 billion market value in 2020.

The impact of this market growth can be seen in numerous areas, including job creation and economic expansion.

The rise in demand for microgreens has created thousands of jobs across the country, from farmers to distributors to retailers to processors.

Additionally, it has spurred investment opportunities for businesses looking to capitalize on this burgeoning industry and help fuel economic growth.

The success of microgreens is due largely to their versatility – they can be used as garnishes or incorporated into salads or smoothies – as well as their nutritional benefits.

They provide a concentrated source of vitamins A and C, minerals such as calcium and magnesium, antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin, dietary fiber, carotenoids such as beta carotene; all without adding calories or fat to your diet.

This makes them attractive not only to health-conscious consumers but also those looking for ways to add flavor without excess calories or fat intake.

The rising popularity of microgreens is also having a positive effect on food production practices across America.

More farmers are embracing sustainable farming methods that emphasize organic inputs and preserving biodiversity which ultimately benefits our environment while providing healthier options for consumers seeking nutritious meals with minimal environmental impact.

All these factors combined make microgreens a great addition to any meal plan while providing an economic boost at both the local level through job creation but also nationwide by increasing total market volume year after year.

Environmental Impact of Microgreens Production

Discover how microgreens production affects the environment and learn what you can do to be part of the solution! Microgreens are gaining in popularity as a healthy, nutrient-dense food choice. But with increased production comes an increased environmental impact.

Here are four ways that microgreens production affects the environment:

  1. Soil Quality: Microgreens require fertile soil for optimal growth, but intensive farming practices can degrade soil quality over time. This decreases its fertility and can lead to erosion, runoff, and other environmental concerns.
  2. Water Use: Growing microgreens requires significant amounts of water for irrigation purposes—especially during hot weather or extended periods of drought. Improper irrigation methods can also contribute to groundwater contamination and other environmental problems.
  3. Pesticide Use: Many farmers use pesticides to protect their crops from pests and diseases; however, this increases the risk of environmental pollution and human health hazards if chemicals enter nearby water sources or airways.
  4. Energy Consumption: From lighting systems to cooling units for temperature control, running a successful microgreen farm requires significant energy consumption which leads to additional carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere—contributing to climate change.
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To reduce these impacts on our environment, many farmers have adopted sustainable farming practices such as crop rotation, cover cropping, composting organic matter, using natural pest repellents instead of chemical ones, and utilizing renewable energy sources where possible—all of which help maintain soil quality while reducing negative environmental impacts associated with growing microgreens. Being mindful about where your food comes from is one step towards creating a healthier planet for future generations!

Strategies for Increasing Microgreens Consumption in the US

With the surge of health-consciousness in the US, now’s the perfect time to nurture a stronger appetite for microgreens and reap their nutritional benefits.

To increase microgreens consumption in the US, it’s important to focus on sustainable farming practices that reduce food waste. By growing microgreens in an efficient and effective way, farmers can make sure they’re getting maximum yields with minimal inputs. This will ensure that more people have access to fresh produce and that there’s less food waste going into landfills or being thrown away at supermarkets.

Additionally, educational campaigns about the health benefits of consuming microgreens could be launched to help spread awareness about them amongst consumers. In order for these campaigns to be successful, it’s essential to target specific demographics such as younger generations who may be more likely to be open-minded to trying new foods or those who are looking for healthier alternatives.

Furthermore, incentivizing grocery stores and restaurants through discounts or other means could encourage them to offer customers more options when it comes to selecting microgreens instead of traditional greens such as spinach or kale. Finally, partnering with local farmers’ markets would provide another avenue where customers can purchase freshly grown microgreens directly from growers while also supporting their local community.

By implementing these strategies, not only will this create more opportunities for growers but also allow consumers access fresher produce from a variety of sources which could potentially lead to an increase in overall consumption of microgreens across the country. As such, if successful enough this could result in market value growth which would further benefit both producers and consumers alike by allowing them access fresh produce while simultaneously reducing food waste levels throughout the US economy.

Kathy Turner
Kathy Turner
Kathy Turner is the founder of, a popular blog dedicated to helping people become master microgreen growers. Kathy is passionate about helping others learn how to grow the healthiest, most nutrient-rich microgreens. She believes that with the right knowledge and resources, anyone can become a successful microgreen grower. Learn more about Kathy by viewing her full Author Profile.

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