When to Cut Microgreens: Timing and Technique for Optimal Harvest

HomeGrowingWhen to Cut Microgreens: Timing and Technique for Optimal Harvest

Quick Answer:
Microgreens should be cut when they have reached the desired height and have developed their first set of true leaves. This is typically around 7-14 days after sowing, depending on the variety. It is important to use a sharp, clean pair of scissors or shears to make a clean cut just above the soil line. Avoid pulling or twisting the stems, as this can damage the roots and lead to uneven growth.

Have you ever pondered when is the best time to cut your microgreens? It can be a tricky question, but it’s important to know when they should be harvested in order to get the most out of them. Microgreens are becoming increasingly popular due to their high nutritional value and flavor, so knowing the right timing for harvesting them will help maximize these benefits. In this article, we’ll discuss when exactly you should cut your microgreens for optimal results.

If you’re looking for an easy way to add color and nutrition to your meals without spending too much time or effort, then growing microgreens is definitely something worth considering. Not only do they require minimal space, but they grow quickly as well—usually within 2-3 weeks! Plus, since they don’t need full sunlight like other plants, growing them indoors is totally possible. But before you harvest those little greens from your window sill planter box, there are some things that must first be taken into consideration.

The key factor when deciding when to cut your microgreen crop lies in understanding how long each type takes to mature. The length of maturity varies from one variety of microgreen seedling to another; thus, it’s essential for gardeners and farmers alike to research the specific timespan needed for any given species. With knowledge about the ideal timeline at hand, cutting your crop at just the right moment becomes much easier! Now let’s take a closer look at what factors affect the maturation process of microgreens and why timing matters so much.

Tools Required For Growing Microgreens

Growing microgreens requires a few basic pieces of equipment. These tools make the process easier and help ensure your plants thrive. Below is an overview of what you’ll need to get started:

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Tool Description
Microgreen Trays/Pots These come in various sizes, shapes and materials (plastic, organic fiber). They can be flat or with drainage holes on the bottom for hydroponics.
Scissors/Knife For harvesting microgreens after they reach maturity. Be sure to use a clean pair!
Soil Mix Choose one specifically formulated for growing seedlings; most mixes contain peat moss, vermiculite and perlite. Alternatively, you can use a soilless mix or coco coir as well.
Grow Lights This will provide additional light if you don’t have enough natural sunlight coming into your home or greenhouse. Use fluorescent lights placed directly above the trays at least 6-8 inches away from the tops of the plants. You may also want to consider LED grow lights if available.
Hydroponic System (Optional) If you prefer not to use soil, this system provides nutrients directly to the roots using water instead of soil as a medium. It’s more expensive but eliminates worries about pests and weeds invading your setup. The nutrient solution must be regularly changed out according to manufacturer instructions.

Having these tools ready makes it much simpler when it comes time to plant and harvest your microgreens – ensuring that all goes smoothly during each step in production. Next up, we’ll talk about timing for planting and harvesting microgreens…

Timing For Planting And Harvesting

Knowing when to plant and harvest microgreens is essential for optimal growth. In general, it’s best to begin planting as soon as the soil has been prepared; this allows the plants plenty of time to germinate before they reach maturity. Depending on the variety of microgreen, most will be ready to harvest between two and four weeks after sowing.

It’s important to keep in mind that some varieties may take longer than others, so consult your seed packet or supplier for specific harvesting timing information. Similarly, if you’re growing a mixture of different types of microgreens together, the various species will likely have different harvesting schedules. Therefore, make sure to keep track of each type separately in order to ensure an even crop throughout the season.

Once planted, keeping up with regular watering can help maximize yield by encouraging faster growth and fewer problems such as fungal diseases. Additionally, checking on your plants regularly can alert you when it’s time to start harvesting – look out for signs like new leaves unfolding or stems beginning to elongate beyond their ideal length for cutting. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well-prepared for success with your microgreen crops!

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With proper timing established for planting and harvesting microgreens, next we’ll explore best practices for cutting them at just the right moment.

Best Practices For Cutting Microgreens

Cultivating microgreens is like sculpting a piece of art – there are many techniques and tools needed to create the perfect masterpiece. The best time to cut microgreens is when they have their first true leaves, usually after 7-14 days from planting. Here are some essential tips for cutting microgreens:

  • Use sharp scissors or shears that are specifically designed for harvesting microgreens – dull blades can crush delicate stems and leaves.
  • Cut above the soil surface in one swift motion without pulling on the plants as this may cause them to break off at an uneven length.
  • Move quickly so that you don’t damage any other parts of the plant while harvesting.

When harvested correctly, your freshly picked microgreens will stay crisp and retain their flavor longer than if they were left uncut in the garden. With these best practices in hand, you’re now ready to move onto storage and preservation of your cut microgreens!

Storage And Preservation Of Cut Microgreens

Now that you know the best practices for cutting microgreens, it’s time to learn about how to store and preserve them. Proper storage and preservation techniques are essential in order to extend the shelf life of cut microgreens. Without these steps, your microgreens will quickly wilt and spoil after harvesting.

When storing cut microgreens for a short period of time, place them in an airtight container with damp paper towels on top. This helps keep moisture inside the container while preventing mold from growing on the greens. You should also store the container in the refrigerator right away so that the microgreens don’t lose their freshness or flavor too quickly. For long-term storage, freezing is usually the best option. To freeze cut microgreens, spread them out onto a parchment paper-lined baking sheet then flash freeze until solid before transferring them into a freezer bag or sealed container. This preserves their color, texture and flavor while allowing you to enjoy them at any time during winter months when they may not be readily available otherwise.

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Refrigeration can also be used as a preservation technique but this should only be done for shorter periods of time since cold temperatures can impact both taste and texture over longer durations. However, if refrigerated correctly – typically 4°C (39°F) – cut microgreens can last up to two weeks without losing quality significantly. It’s important to note that proper ventilation must be provided in order for cold air circulation throughout the fridge which will help maintain optimal temperature levels and ensure maximum longevity of your harvested produce.

In summary, there are several methods for preserving cut microgreens including storing them in an airtight container with moist paper towels; using refrigeration techniques; or even flash freezing them for extended use later on down the road. Regardless of what method you choose, always aim to maximize its shelf life by keeping it stored safely and properly cooled whenever possible!


At this point, you should have a good understanding of microgreens and how to successfully grow them. As the old adage goes, “It’s better to be safe than sorry”; when it comes to cutting your microgreens, make sure that you are following the best practices for harvesting. This will ensure that your plants stay healthy and can produce more crop in the future.

When it comes time to harvest, always check on your greens before you cut them; they should look vibrant and full of life so that you get maximum nutrition from each plant. With proper timing and care, you’ll be able to enjoy fresh microgreens every day!

Finally, remember to store any leftover cuts in an airtight container or bag once harvested to maintain their nutritional value. With these tips in mind, I hope you now feel confident about growing and cutting your own delicious microgreens!

Kathy Turner
Kathy Turnerhttps://mastermicrogreens.com/
Kathy Turner is the founder of MasterMicrogreens.com, a popular blog dedicated to helping people become master microgreen growers. Kathy is passionate about helping others learn how to grow the healthiest, most nutrient-rich microgreens. She believes that with the right knowledge and resources, anyone can become a successful microgreen grower. Learn more about Kathy by viewing her full Author Profile.

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