Growing Microgreens in Water: A Step-by-Step Guide

HomeGrowingGrowing Microgreens in Water: A Step-by-Step Guide

Quick Answer:
Growing microgreens in water is a hydroponic method that requires no soil. It is a clean and efficient way to grow microgreens, and the plants absorb nutrients faster than when grown in soil. However, this method requires more attention to detail and monitoring, as the water quality needs to be maintained, and there is a risk of algae growth.

Growing microgreens has become a popular activity for those looking to add nutritious, flavorful greens to their meals. But have you ever considered growing them in water? It’s surprisingly easy and requires minimal effort – plus the results are delicious! In this article, we will explore how to grow your own microgreens in water at home.

Microgreens are tiny versions of common edible plants such as kale, radish, and cilantro that can be grown indoors or out. They contain higher concentrations of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and other health-promoting compounds than mature plants do. And because they’re so small and fast-growing, they provide an abundant harvest within days of planting. Plus, you don’t need any special tools or equipment to start growing them – just some patience and creativity!

The best part about growing microgreens in water is that it’s incredibly simple. All you need is a container with drainage holes filled with fresh potting soil and some seeds (which can easily be found online). Once sown evenly on top of the soil surface, simply wet the mixture until moist but not saturated and keep it watered each day until the first set of leaves appear – usually within five to seven days! With this method of cultivation, anyone can quickly enjoy homegrown microgreen goodness without having to worry about dealing with dirt or messes.

Benefits Of Growing Microgreens In Water

Statistics show that growing microgreens in water is becoming increasingly popular. The benefits of hydroponic growth are plentiful and include environmental, health, and economic advantages. Growing microgreens in water provides a number of unique advantages over soil-based growing methods.

Water growing has many environmental benefits because it requires significantly less land than traditional farming practices. It also eliminates the need for chemical herbicides and pesticides while drastically reducing water consumption by up to 90%. This means that more microgreens can be produced with fewer resources, making water based microgreen production both cost effective and resource efficient.

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The health benefits associated with growing microgreens in water are numerous as well. Since no chemicals are used in this type of cultivation method, the produce is free from potentially harmful toxins which may be present when using fertilizers or other agricultural products in traditional agriculture. Additionally, since the plants are grown closer together they tend to retain more nutrients such as vitamins A and C compared to those grown outdoors on farms or gardens. Plus, when harvested at their peak ripeness, the flavor of these delicate greens is unmatched!

Not only does hydroponically growing your own vegetables provide you with access to fresher and healthier food options but it also allows you to reduce your carbon footprint by avoiding waste associated with transport and packaging – yet another benefit of cultivating your own microgreens through water-growing methods! With all these potential rewards, there’s never been a better time to delve into the world of hydroponics!
As supplies and equipment needed for successful hydroponic gardening will vary depending on one’s individual needs, let’s explore what items should be considered before getting started…

Supplies And Equipment Needed

Growing microgreens in water requires certain supplies and equipment. The first is seed trays, which are shallow containers that will hold the seeds for germination. Seed trays come in a variety of sizes, so you can choose one appropriate to your needs. A drainage tray should also be acquired; this will capture any excess water from the growing process and ensure good air circulation.

Grow lights may not be necessary if plants get enough natural sunlight, but they are still beneficial because they provide a more consistent light source than daylight. Additionally, measuring spoons should be obtained to accurately measure hydroponic nutrients when preparing nutrient solutions for the microgreens. Lastly, it’s important to remember these necessities before beginning the actual growth process – without them, success won’t be achieved.

Having all necessary supplies on hand is essential for successful growing of microgreens in water. Now that we’ve gone over what’s needed let’s look at the steps involved in getting started…

Steps Involved In Growing Microgreens In Water

Once you have your supplies and equipment, it’s time to start growing microgreens in water. An important first step is preparing the right kind of water for your microgreens. Tap or distilled water works best; avoid using spring or mineralized water as they contain too many minerals that can harm your plants.

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Next, fill a shallow tray with an inch of lukewarm water and add some liquid fertilizer if desired. Place the pre-soaked seeds onto the surface of the tray before adding another thin layer of soil on top. Make sure all the seeds are completely covered by either soil or water. Cover the tray with plastic wrap to keep moisture in and place it somewhere warm where there is indirect sunlight coming through a window.

Check daily for signs of growth and adjust accordingly – reduce watering if needed or increase light exposure during cloudy days. As soon as you see shoots emerging from the soil, remove any covering like plastic wrap so their leaves don’t get stuck against them when they grow bigger. Continue caring for your young seedlings until their stems become strong enough to support their own weight, then harvest them carefully at this stage for optimum flavor and nutrition!

Troubleshooting tips can help you resolve common issues related to growing microgreens in water such as root rot and pest infestations.

Troubleshooting Tips

Troubleshooting tips are essential when growing microgreens in water. It’s important to be aware of signs that indicate stagnant water, poor drainage, mold growth or a nutrient deficiency.

The first sign of trouble is often noticeable before the microgreens have even sprouted – if the seeds fail to germinate after 48 hours then it could be due to an excess of moisture and should lead you to take corrective action. Stagnant water can cause root rot which will kill off your seedlings so make sure there is sufficient drainage. If you notice mold growth on the surface of your soil-less media then this indicates too much moisture has been retained and needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Nutrient deficiencies can also occur with hydroponic systems; check pH levels regularly and adjust accordingly.

Finally, keeping a close eye on the system during its development will allow any problems to be identified early on and corrected quickly. This will ensure successful harvest of healthy microgreens at the end of their cycle. Smooth transitioning into harvesting and storing requires careful management throughout the entire process from start to finish.

Harvesting And Storing

Harvesting microgreens is a crucial step in the growing process. The best way to harvest them is with scissors or sharp knife, approximately 1/4 inch above soil level. This ensures that you get the most out of your crop and don’t damage any existing roots. It’s also important that you only take what you need so there are enough remaining for germination and growth. After harvesting, it’s time to store them properly.

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The key to storing microgreens correctly lies in keeping them moist while maintaining air circulation around them. To achieve this, wrap the harvested greens in damp paper towels before placing them inside an airtight container such as a plastic bag or box. If possible, try to refrigerate the stored microgreens but make sure they stay well-ventilated by poking small holes throughout the container for air flow.

It’s also essential to use fresh microgreens within 2-3 days after harvesting due their perishable nature; however, if handled correctly they can last up to 5-7 days without spoiling. With these tips and techniques in mind, you should be able to successfully harvest and store your own microgreens at home!


In conclusion, growing microgreens in water is a great way to add fresh and nutritious greens to your diet. Not only are they easy to grow and harvest, but they also provide countless nutritional benefits that you can’t get from store-bought vegetables. Plus, the process doesn’t require much effort or many supplies, so anyone can do it with minimal effort.

If you’re ready to give growing microgreens in water a try, all you need is some seeds, a container like an old mason jar or tray, and access to clean water. Once you have these basics on hand, follow the steps outlined for planting and caring for your microgreen garden – it’s really quite simple!

And if any issues arise along the way – such as mold growth or soggy soil – don’t worry; just refer back to our troubleshooting tips and make adjustments as needed. With a bit of practice and patience, soon enough you’ll be harvesting your own delicious crop of nutrient-rich microgreens right at home!

Kathy Turner
Kathy Turner
Kathy Turner is the founder of, a popular blog dedicated to helping people become master microgreen growers. Kathy is passionate about helping others learn how to grow the healthiest, most nutrient-rich microgreens. She believes that with the right knowledge and resources, anyone can become a successful microgreen grower. Learn more about Kathy by viewing her full Author Profile.

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